Chapter Nine: Why?

Is life fair?

Why is it that so often those who are loving, kind, and unselfish suffer, while those who only look out for themselves, dash the dreams of others to get what they want, and trample others in their charge up the ladder of success seem to have it better? Isn't life unfair in that way? Shouldn't right living be rewarded and wrongdoing be punished? Yes, that's the way it should be, and one day it will. Justice will come in the next life.

Judgment will be meted out to those who were unloving and cruel and caused others to suffer; they will have to suffer the consequences of their evil actions until they learn the error of their ways and repent. But when those who lived right pass on, although they may have suffered or gone without on earth, they will be blessed with greater rewards and joy than they ever imagined.
And besides being rewarded in the next life, I bless the loving and unselfish in this life—often in ways that can't be measured in dollars and cents, though. I bless them spiritually. I bless them with happiness and contentment, peace of mind and a clear conscience. Meanwhile, some of the wealthiest people in the world are also some of the saddest, loneliest, and most lost, because money can't satisfy the needs of the spirit.

So pursue the blessings of My Spirit—the love, joy, contentment, and feeling of fulfillment that comes only from knowing that you've done your best to lead a godly life. Only then will you truly appreciate that life is fair.

"Where are You?"

When things go wrong it's easy to ask, "Jesus, where are You when I need You?" It seems that I have failed you or that My love and patience have run out.

At times like that your faith is being tested, and when you react in doubt rather than faith, you limit My ability to help you. It can become a vicious cycle.

Yet there are some people who remain positive, no matter what their circumstances. How can they face disappointment and even disaster so calmly? It's because they have strong faith in My love and the promises I've made in My Word. It's because they have sought and found a close personal link with Me. It's because they have learned to turn to Me in their times of need. It's not that their faith is never tested, but they know where to turn to for the help they need to pass the test.

Here's the secret to that kind of victory: Prepare for the hard times by learning to stay close to Me when times are good. Make a point of looking for My loving hand at work around you. Count your blessings. Cultivate an attitude of faith and trust and thankfulness. Then when the going gets rough, you will know I'm only a prayer away.

It's not God's fault!

God, My Father, is not to blame for all the pain, death, heartache, and suffering in the world. The truth is, most of the world's ills are caused by people's selfish and destructive attitudes and actions.
Take war, for example, or poverty. God is not to blame for either. He created the world with enough resources for all to have plenty if they would live in love and peace and harmony and cooperation as He intended. But instead, man's selfishness, greed, pride, and competitive spirit have created a very different world where people and whole nations deprive and destroy each other for momentary superiority and selfish gain.

Science is another culprit. While modern science and technology have brought many wonderful benefits, they have also created new perils. If God were to let things go on much longer as they are, mankind would destroy itself—if not through nuclear bombs or chemical or germ warfare or some scientific experiment gone horribly wrong, then by short-sighted exploitation of the world's resources and destruction of the environment.

It's not a pretty picture, but it's about to change. God will not let mankind destroy itself. Before the world gets to that point, I will return to set things right—and it won't be long!

Do I care?

When you see, read, and hear about so much pain and suffering around you, it's easy to question why I allow such troubles in the world. Don't I care? Yes, I do! My heart breaks for those who suffer, especially for those who lose loved ones or livelihood or their own health and happiness because of man's inhumanity to man. I am deeply saddened by much of what I see happening in the world today.

It is only natural to question: "Why, then, don't You put an end to all that evil now?" As much as I abhor evil, I have to let humanity continue on its course. People were created with free will, and I must let them exercise that free will, to choose to do good or evil. My justice isn't always executed immediately, but it is eventually, either in this life or the next. I have to let things run their course on earth, according to people's choices. At present it seems that evil is gaining the upper hand, but rest assured that ultimately love will win out and the world will be changed. All will be made right in the end, because I am both loving and just.

Prince of Peace

Once, when I was crossing the Sea of Galilee with My disciples, a storm arose and threatened to sink our small boat. My disciples were frightened, but I commanded the storm to cease—"Peace! Be still!"—and the wind and waves obeyed Me.1 So shall it be one day soon when I say, "Enough!" and cause the storms of wars and strife to cease.

All of the problems of today's world prove that people can't solve their own problems. The world cannot survive without its Savior; it needs Me. Universal, lasting peace is not possible without Me, the Prince of Peace, but the time will come when the whole world will submit to My loving and righteous rule. Just a little longer and I will dry the eyes of the downtrodden and those who have been cruelly tormented by the horrors of war. One day, war will be a thing of the past—a concept only scarcely understood by those living then.
In the meantime, you can have real and lasting peace in your heart—peace that can withstand anything—by receiving Me as your personal Savior and turning to Me, the Prince of Peace, in your time of need. I will always be there for you.
1. Mark 4:36-39

The promise of Romans 8:28

"We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."1 This is My promise to you.
I wish everyone could learn to live in love, but because people are not perfect and they often make selfish choices, I gave that promise as a safeguard to My children who love Me. In this world there will be injustice and selfishness and difficulties and pain, but I have the power to overrule all of that for your sake. No matter what the choices of those around you, I am able to give you what's best for you.

Sometimes what I know is best is different than what you think of as "best." Sometimes My best means more brokenness, more compassion, more understanding of others, more humility. All of these qualities are part of My best in your life.

Of course, I'm not able to turn these bad situations for your good or to bless and reward you in other ways unless you let Me work in your life, but the beauty of this promise is that the moment you fulfill the conditions—loving Me and yielding to My will, My purpose in your life—I begin to work on your behalf. No matter what mess you find yourself in, when you love Me and yield to My purpose in your life, I am able to turn all things for your good.
1. Romans 8:28

Keep your eyes on heaven

When you and those you love suffer unjustly, that's when it's more important than ever to hold on to your faith, lest the sadness of the world settle on your heart. The assurance of a better world to come will see you through even the darkest days.

Keep your eyes on your eternal home in heaven—that wonderful place where you will be reunited with those you love and where all will be love and light and joy and happiness. You will know then that it was worth it all, for on that day the sacrifices and pain of separation from those you love will be erased.

If it's hard for you to have that kind of faith, ask Me to help you see things as I do. Ask Me to show you what I have in store for you and your loved ones in heaven, and I will. I do this so that you may be encouraged and find the strength to bear the troubles of the present. I am not able to reveal all that I have prepared for you, but I can reveal some of it to you now.1 Keep your eyes on heaven and the troubles of this present world will seem small by comparison—and they are.
1. 1 Corinthians 2:9-10

Making things right

Life is a great cycle of cause and effect. Everyone makes choices every day, and everyone's choices affect others. The combination of everyone's choices and the effect those choices have on others makes the world what it is.

Every problem can be traced to some unloving or selfish choice someone made. These sins are the major cause of problems in the world today: selfishness and lack of love. People either don't see how their wrong choices affect others, or they don't care enough to do things differently.

You may feel that the world is too messed up, that too many wrong choices have been made, that it doesn't matter much what you do, that it's hopeless. But that's not true. Just as every problem can be traced to a wrong decision, every solution begins with a wise and loving decision to do the right thing, the loving and unselfish thing.

A little bit of love can make a lot of difference. One act of kindness or unselfishness can start a whole chain reaction of events that will, in the long run, make life a lot better for a lot of people. So don't despair because there is so much suffering and grief and wrong in the world. Instead, do what you can to make things right and encourage others to do the same. The world won't change in a day, but you can make a difference if you try.

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