Chapter Three: Feeling the financial squeeze

When usual means fail...
When you've done all you can and exhausted your usual means of supply but still struggle to make ends meet, don't despair; I can provide by other means. When others fail in their financial responsibilities or you are adversely affected by their wrong or selfish decisions, don't despair; I remain true and will make up for their lacks. When disaster strikes and unforeseen bills follow, don't despair; I'll pick up where your insurance policy leaves off. When the economy is tight and jobs are scarce, don't despair; I am able to supply even in impossible circumstances.

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."1 That is a promise I made long ago, and it still holds true. Tell Me your needs, ask Me to supply them. Do your part—the asking, seeking, and knocking—and I will do Mine.

When you find yourself in a financial bind and don't know how to get yourself out of it, let Me get you out of it. I can supply for My children by the most unexpected and unconventional means, and I delight in doing so because I love them. It also helps them appreciate Me more when I supply, and I like that part too.
1. Matthew 7:7

My riches are yours
The secret to obtaining both spiritual riches and material supply is actually quite simple: Realize what vast resources are at My disposal.

My Word contains hundreds of promises that are yours to claim. As you read, absorb, and claim them, you will see answers to your prayers that will thrill your soul and cause your faith to grow. And as you continue to read and absorb and claim, I will continue to answer and inspire and provide. Together we will create an unbeatable, unbreakable cycle of success.

That is not to say that your faith will never ebb or that you will never again go through difficult times. As long as you are in this present world, you will experience good times and hard times. Problems are a necessary part of life, but your connection with Me and your faith in My love and promises can make all the difference in the world.

God's promises stand
The Bible records how I told My disciples that every hair of their heads was counted and that not one sparrow falls to the ground without My Father knowing about it.1 I told them that they didn't need to worry about their material needs, that if they trusted and followed Me, I would make sure their needs were met.

This may sound unrealistic in today's materialistic world, where the pursuit of money seems more important than ever. Times have changed, but My promises haven't. They are just as sure today as they were 2,000 years ago. Seek first the kingdom of God and obey His Word to the best of your ability, and My Father will provide everything you need.2

When you love Me and are trying to follow My example of loving and caring for others, God will take care of you. He is like a father who makes sure his children's needs are met. That doesn't mean, though, that you can expect a life of nothing but luxury and ease. The tough times are also part of your heavenly Father's plan to shape your character. And just like an earthly father doesn't automatically give his children everything they want, God doesn't necessarily give you everything you want. He gives you what you need and what He knows is best for you—not only best for your body, but more importantly for your immortal spirit.

1. Matthew 10:29-30
2. Matthew 6:33
3. Psalm 84:11

How to be happy when times are tough
When money is scarce, your faith in My ability to supply for you is often tested. Voices of discouragement tell you that My promises aren't true, that I won't supply for you as I said I would. But don't succumb to those doubts, because in the end I will come through for you if you do your best to follow what I have said. Sometimes I answer immediately, but other times it takes awhile. 

Many factors affect My ability to answer your prayers and provide for you, including the choices that you and others make, so don't become discouraged or impatient or think I don't care or won't supply. Sometimes you and I both have to wait till all the conditions are right.

In the meantime, count your blessings. Thank Me for those things I've already given you, things that are to be treasured above material comforts, things that money can't buy: the love of those dearest to you, true friendships, peace of heart and mind, and the fulfillment and satisfaction that comes from knowing and loving Me. Value those things above all, and you'll have the key to happiness and My spiritual blessings, no matter what your material circumstances may be.

Give and you will receive
If you put your trust in the economies and financial institutions of this world, or if you think worldly financial schemes will bring you happiness, you're doomed to disappointment. That's because those systems are based on selfishness, and selfishness ultimately leads to unhappiness. Even if you achieve financial success by those means, as a few do, you will never be truly happy knowing that your success came at the expense of others.

How much better to trust Me and do things My way! My financial plan is based on love, cooperation, fairness, unselfishness, and sharing. It's the direct opposite of me-first worldly economics. That may not make sense in financial terms, but it does in terms of My blessings.

Share with others, even if you don't have much yourself. That's the simple secret to receiving My blessings, both material and spiritual: Give and I will give to you.1 Those who give unselfishly will be rewarded with more, but those who hold back from helping others when they could, for fear of not having enough for themselves, cut themselves off from the blessings I have waiting for them if only they would give.2

Give unselfishly of yourself and your resources, and I will more than repay. The quicker you demonstrate your faith in Me and My promises by giving from what you have, the quicker I can start blessing you with more.

1. Luke 6:38
2. Proverbs 11:24-25

Better than money in the bank
The richest man in the world is the one who has faith. He could lose every material thing he possesses and still be happy. Faith is better than money in the bank to the person who has it and puts it to use.
I fed over 5,000 people from only five small loaves of bread and two fish, I turned water into wine, and I healed a woman who had spent all she had on doctors and medicine, to no avail.1

I also healed hundreds of others who were completely beyond medical help and performed many other miracles that all the money in the world couldn't buy.

And I can do miracles for you—whatever you need. I am alive and well and able to supply all your needs. I'm just waiting for you to ask, so reach out with the hand of faith and receive.

1. Matthew 14:15-21
2. John 2:1-10
3. Mark 5:25-29

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