Chapter Four: When life is just plain hard

The crafting process
I am like a sculptor and you are like the marble. A block of marble may not look like much or be worth much in its rough form, but it has potential. It takes quite a bit of hammering and chiseling to create a thing of beauty from that piece of rock. The chisel is sharp, the blows are hard, and it's not an altogether pleasant process for the marble, but the finished product is worth it. 

No one benefits much from easy times. Such times are enjoyable and everyone wishes they could last forever, but they don't contribute much to one's character. So when troubles come into your life, don't be discouraged or resentful. Instead, know that I have allowed them for a reason: to work My good purpose. My hand is crafting you into a thing of beauty. It is hard to imagine this when you are a work in progress, but faith in Me can give you the grace to endure.

Faith will see you through the crafting process, and when the Sculptor's work is done, you and I will behold and be pleased with the result—My masterpiece, the thing of beauty that is your life.

Seasons of life
When you hit bottom, when dreams give way to disappointment, when all you've worked so hard for goes to pieces, when life no longer holds any purpose or promise, you are tempted to despair and wonder if there is any reason to go on living. In extreme situations you may even be tempted to end it all yourself, right now.
That's when you must remember that you were created for a purpose, and that purpose isn't a single, one-time thing; it's multifaceted and complex. As long as you live, there will be something more you can accomplish—something you are meant to accomplish—and there is always more to get out of life. The end of one dream doesn't mean the end of all dreams. Just as the seasons come and go in their cycle, periods of success or setback, fulfillment or disappointment, and emotional highs and lows come and go. You may be in the depths of despair now, but that won't last forever.

Soon you will find hope and a reason to go on—and the sooner you ask Me to show you what I have for you next, the sooner you will find new inspiration and purpose. The best may be just around the corner, but you'll never know if you s  here. Take My hand and let Me lead you into a new season of fruitfulness and fulfillment.

I don't want you to look at your troubles as punishment for your sins, because that is usually not My intent or their true purpose. I do allow troubles sometimes, but always to accomplish something good in your life. Even when you bring on those troubles through your own mistakes or sins, I want you to use them as steppingstones to take you to higher ground. I want each one to bring you a step closer to Me.

Troubles show you that you aren't sufficient in yourself. They make you realize your need for Me and help you learn to depend on Me. As you trust Me through difficult times, you will grow in faith, you will better understand My Word and wise and loving ways, and you will feel My love and come to know Me in a deeper and more personal way than you ever could otherwise.

One day you will be able to look at troubles and trials and see them as needed steppingstones. You will see then that they were the only way to get you to the special place I have for you, near to My heart.

Blessings from burdens
Life has taken an unexpected turn. The road you've been traveling suddenly seems filled with potholes and obstacles. What happened to that smooth pavement you once enjoyed? You awake each day hoping that things will change, but the former good times are just memories. What you're going through is tough, but in My heavenly love and wisdom I'm not going to take these troubles away—not just yet. I will do something even better for you, though.

I want to show you how the burdens you've been carrying are blessings in disguise. I know that's hard to believe, but it's true. Those burdens have weighed on you so heavily that all you could do was look down at the road and sigh, but I can help you turn those weights into wings that will carry you forward.

Bring each burden to Me. Let Me lift them off you, and then come to My arms and let Me renew your spirit. I give perfect peace and love to those who bring their cares to Me. "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."1

1. Matthew 11:28

The climb to victory
The rugged climb doesn't dissuade the determined mountain climber; he revels in the challenge. Nothing can s  him from pressing on until he reaches his goal. No adversity can cause him to turn back. When he looks at the steep cliffs ahead, he doesn't focus on the danger but on the toeholds and narrow rock ledges that will take him to the peak. He isn't held back by the harshness of his surroundings or the toll the climb is taking on his body; he is propelled onward and upward by the thought of triumph.
There are many obstacles to surmount in life, but each one you conquer is another one behind you. When the going gets tough, lean on Me. Let Me lead the way and guide you up the rugged cliffs. I know all the danger spots and how to get past them. Together we will surmount each obstacle, together we will reach the summit, and together we will plant the flag of victory. Follow Me!

Ever-present help
You can find comfort in knowing that good can come of anything and that I allow trials in your life not to make you miserable, but better. Still, at times it is hard to be so philosophical—all you want is some relief! You don't want to hear, "All this is for your good"—you just want to be free of the problem.

I know how you feel. When I was on the cross, the pain was so excruciating that I just wanted it to be over. I kept reminding Myself that I was enduring this so that you and a whole world full of sinners like you could be brought to salvation. I knew it was worth it, but it was a supreme struggle to keep such altruistic thoughts foremost in My mind. In My Father's time the suffering did cease and I was released into the spiritual realm where such agony could no longer touch Me, but what an ordeal that was!

At the time of My suffering, My Father could not intervene. I had to go through that for you. But now that I have, I am always there to help you through your times of pain and suffering. I let Myself be separated from divine help for that time so you could always have it available. So hold on. The victory, comfort, and surcease from suffering will come.

In My time
Why do you have so many problems and so few solutions? And why does it seem that I don't answer your prayers for help? Is something wrong with you? No, My child, it's not like that. I do allow you to have some problems in the hope that they will cause you to turn to Me, but I have the answer to every one and I will work them out eventually.

I know it's hard to wait, but sometimes, for any of a number of reasons, it takes a while for Me to work. Maybe I'm waiting on you to ask Me what you can do to set things in motion. Maybe I'm working in others' hearts to get them to do the right thing. Maybe I'm waiting for other conditions to be right.

It might take time, but in the meantime, if you look to Me for help and ask Me to show you how I see things, I will give you peace of mind and the comfort of My love. I will relieve the pressure.
So don't give up when, even after you have prayed, things don't change right away. Have faith in My love and power to do the impossible. All things are possible if you believe.1 Keep trusting and you will see the answer to your prayers in My time.
1. Mark 9:23

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